We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our Student Wellbeing web page. In collaboration with students, parents and teachers we have designed this page to support the wellbeing of our school community to create an inclusive, empathetic and ambitious learning environment where everyone feels safe, with a positive sense of self and belonging.
We take pride in our physical and emotional wellbeing and while encouraging all to take responsibility for their own wellbeing we aim to do all we can as a school community to support each other when we need it. We have dedicated Wellbeing Teams in every year group which consist of Learning Coaches for every pupil, Guidance Learning and Support Officers, Heads of Learning and Skills and members of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that our pupils are happy and healthy. These teams work closely with outside agencies to ensure that the support provided is bespoke to every student and their families. As well as embedding Health and Wellbeing into all Areas of Learning and Experience across the school, we organise dedicated Health and Wellbeing days each term to ensure that it is a continued focus for us all. It is also a focus for us during our three Prep sessions each week, where pupils spend extended periods of time with their Learning Coaches for more support.
Throughout this page you will find a selection of links, resources, information and ideas that we hope will help you to help yourself to be happy, healthy and prosperous at Treorchy Comprehensive School.
Who can support me with my wellbeing at Treorchy?
Every registration group has a designated Learning Coach that they see every morning and three times a week in Prep. As well as an opportunity for independent learning, this is also an opportunity for wellbeing check-ins.
Most students will see at least 6 subject teachers a day in their lessons. Wellbeing is a priority for all staff so all teachers will be happy to speak to pupils and support them with any concerns or issues they may have.
Every year group has a Guidance Learning and Support officer based in pastoral offices for most of the day. GLSOs are the first point of contact for parents and carers if they have any queries to raise, but their roles are entirely wellbeing focused, so they are available every break and lunchtime, before and after school to speak to students should they have any concerns to raise.
Every year group also has a Head of Learning and Skills working with them to support with academic progress and wellbeing. They work closely with students and parents/carers to put bespoke programmes of support in place where needed.
A member of the Senior Leadership Team oversees every year group and they work to ensure that the wellbeing and learning needs are met for every pupil by supporting and challenging the pastoral teams.
Mr Jonathan Davies, Deputy Headteacher, is the Designated Senior Person for the school who has overall responsibility for safeguarding at school. If any student, teacher or parent/carer has any safeguarding concerns for our children these should be brought to the attention of Mr Davies as well as the pastoral teams to ensure that the most appropriate advice and support is put in place.
how can parents and carers support the welbeing of their children?
Please remember that you can contact our Wellbeing Team for further support with this.

useful links and resources to support your wellbeing
Childline offer tips and techniques, ideas and inspiration, to help you feel more in control. You can access them in your own time, at your own pace! You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, they’re there to support you. Their site also offers a toolbox that contains tips, strategies, videos and games to take your mind off things and express yourself in ways you enjoy. You can be part of Childline by sharing your story with them, speaking to other Childline users and expressing yourself by uploading images you’ve created into the Art Box image gallery.
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
MeeTwo App
The MeeTwo app provides a safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives. You can anonymously get advice from experts or other teenagers going through similar experiences in areas such as mental health, self-harming, relationships and friendships.
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.
Valleys Steps
Valleys Steps was established as a well-being charity to help people to help themselves. They promote an understanding of why things are the way they are and show how we all can take steps to improving everyday well-being. They provide a range of wellbeing courses across RCT so that young people can learn ways of managing the common psychological difficulties that we all face at times in life such as stress, low mood and anxiety.
Rehab Recovery
Learn about a range of intervention techniques for addiction, and also about the possibility of arranging for a professional interventionist to visit your loved one. Rehab Recovery is able to facilitate rehab treatment for teens as young as 16 years old, as well as young adults. This treatment takes place at specialist clinics.
Click on one of the links below to access these sites and resources.
contact us
For further support from our Wellbeing Teams, please contact the school on (01443) 773128
Contact us by email at
Follow us on Twitter at Headteacher@treorchycomp