Mr J Davies and Mr M Davies
Message from the Acting Headteachers
Dear Parents/Carers
We warmly welcome you to Treorchy Comprehensive School: we are a large comprehensive school, based in the beautiful Upper Rhondda. Students join us from seven local Primary schools, and from further afield. We are proud to be an Empathy Cluster, striving to improve literacy, develop empathy and promote student action.
We promote three main values: Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration and have built all our work around these values. Our expectation is that each student gives of their best and aims to be a positive role model for their peers. We encourage each student to take ownership of their classroom standards and their Attitude to Learning (ATL). We pledge to care for and understand our young people, supporting them to be their ‘best selves’.
We have a tradition of academic standards, with a wide and varied curriculum. We continue to evaluate this in a fast-changing world, as we want our young people to have the skills and experience necessary to be successful citizens. We value talk and literacy, with the ambition to be a school where all value reading.
Alongside our range of lessons, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular sporting provision, as well as excellent Performing Art experiences. We want every student to develop an interest/hobby or passion, so they continue to grow as well-rounded individuals.
Treorchy Comprehensive School is a very special community; we are very proud of this and take a special pride in our ‘Cynefin’. Being an inclusive learning environment is very important to us all and every student should feel safe and cared for in and out of school. We value wellbeing and know that we need to get this right if our children are able to maximise their learning.
I welcome contact with our community and look forward to working with you,
Yours faithfully
Mr J Davies and Mr M Davies
Mr J Davies and Mr M Davies
Negas gan y Penaethiaid Dros Dro
Annwyl Rieni/Warchodwyr
Croeso cynnes i Ysgol Gyfun Treorci: rydym yn ysgol gyfun fawr sydd wedi’i lleoli yng nghanol prydferthwch y Rhondda Fawr. Mae myfyrwyr yn dod atom o saith ysgol gynradd leol ac ymhellach i ffwrdd. Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn Glwstwr Empathi sydd am wella llythrennedd, datblygu empathi ac hybu gweithred myfyrwyr.
Rydym yn hyrwyddo tri phrif werth: Parch, Cyfrifoldeb ac Uchelgais ac mae ein holl waith yn cael ei greu ar sail y gwerthoedd hyn. Rydym yn disgwyl i bob disgybl fod ar eu gorau a bod yn fodelau ymddwyn i’w cyd-fyfyrwyr. Rydym yn annog pob myfyriwr i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros eu hymddygiad ac ymdrech mewn gwersi. Rydym yn addo y byddwn yn deall a gofalu am ein pobl ifanc ac yn eu hannog i fod ar eu gorau.
Mae traddodiad o safonau academaidd gennym, gyda chwricwlwm eang ac amrywiol. Rydym yn parhau i’w werthuso yn y byd cyfnewidiol sydd ohonom ac rydym am i’r bobl ifanc gael y sgiliau a phrofiad angenrheidiol sydd eu hangen ohonynt er mwyn eu galluogi i fod yn ddinasyddion llwyddiannus. Rydym yn pwysleisio gwerth llafaredd a llythrennedd ac rydym am fod yn ysgol lle mae pawb yn gwerthfawrogi pwysigrwydd darllen.
Yn ogystal â’n hystod o wersi, rydym yn cynnig ystod eang o ddarpariaeth chwaraeon allgyrsiol a phrofiadau ardderchog yn yr Adran Celfyddydau Perfformio. Rydym am i bob myfyriwr ddatblygu diddordeb felly gallant barhau i dyfu fel unigolion ardderchog.
Mae Ysgol Gyfun Treorci yn gymuned arbennig iawn; rydym yn ymfalchïo yn ein cymuned a’n ‘Cynefin’. Mae bod yn awyrgylch ddysgu gynhwysol yn bwysig iawn i ni a dylai pob myfyriwr deimlo’n saff y tu fewn a thu allan i’r ysgol. Mae llesiant yn holl bwysig i ni ac rydym yn deall y rôl bwysig y mae llesiant yn chwarae fel rhan o lwyddiant academaidd ein myfyrwyr.
Rwyf yn croesawu ymholiadau a sgyrsiau gyda’r gymuned ac yn edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda chi.
Yn gywir
Mr J Davies and Mr M Davies
Welcome to Treorchy Comprehensive School
Welcome to Treorchy Comprehensive School, where academic excellence and personal growth go hand in hand! We are thrilled to open our doors and extend a warm embrace to all our new students, parents, and staff members. At Treorchy, we believe in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages every individual to flourish and achieve their full potential.
Here are some video messages from the the Heads of Learning and Skills teachers.
Mrs Mantle
Head of Learning and Skills for Year 7
Miss Hargreaves
Head of Learning and Skills for Year 8
Miss Hubbard
Head of Learning and Skills for Year 9
Mr Huddleston
Head of Learning and Skills for Year 10
Miss Slye
Head of Learning and Skills for Year 11
School Values
Respect / Parch
- Treat others how you would want to be treated
- Show kindness, empathy and an awareness of others
- Value and appreciate everything you do and what people do for you
- Care for your school, community and the environment
- Be positive in your language and actions
Responsibility / Cyfrifoldeb
- Prepare for the day ahead
- Be the best you can be
- Think before you speak or act
- Make the right choice and one that will impact others positively
- Take ownership of the consequences of your words or actions
Aspiration / Uchelgais
- Have a can do attitude and don’t be afraid to fail
- Become a positive role model in school, at home and in the community
- Aim to improve your personal best
- Challenge yourself and be ambitious
- Have the courage to try
Accessing further support
Should our pupils or parents/carers require further support there are a number of agencies you can contact for advice. Please click on the link here for further information and contact details for parents and here for a pupil friendly version. You can of course still email the school at for further support also and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Important Dates
- Year 10 Progress Evening – Thursday 16th January
- Year 9 Progress/Options Evening – Thursday 30th January
- Year 12/13 Progress Evening – Thursday 13th February
- Year 6 Induction Evening –Thursday 6th March
- Year 11 Progress Evening – Thursday 13th March
- Year 7 Progress Evening – Thursday 20th March
- Year 8 Progress Evening –Thursday 27th March
- INSET DAY – Monday 7th April
- INSET DAY – Monday 21st July
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Your future in teaching at Treorchy Comprehensive starts here!